I would like to be talking about 3 weeks-worth of progress... but it was more of a sabatical I suppose.
In any case, this coming Thursday we start moving forward again. With some preliminary plans being tossed back and forth, we'll be taping out the floor and discussing plans that support key Rutland features, landmarks and of course my current and future Craftsman Kits.
In parallel, Bob L is contributing to the efforts by providing me with a relevant and operations-friendly Rutland layout plan.
With all this support and multiple vewpoints/opinions/experiences, there's no doubt my Rutland will be epic. You like that? "we will be..." "...multiple viewpoints..." "MY Rutland". In all seriousness, I am in my friends' and co-inthusiasts' debt. Thank you all.
Speaking of key features, part of Rutland's revenue depended on milk trains, which I'm hoping to replicate on the layout. One of creameries was The Dairymen's League:
The area has been tidied (tidy'd? Tideyd??) up and it's easier to see what we have to work with...
The aforementioned, tidy'd up area is 9.5' wide by 28' long. Plenty of room... but I can't help eyeballing those few extra inches (feet ... ) into my wife's part of the basement. She's really not using it. Much.