Sunday, June 16, 2024

Little Green Men

Hello, hello, hello to one and all!  

That no new posts have been forthcoming for the past 6 years does not mean work on the layout had stopped. (That 6 years could slip by so quickly can only be explained by some kind of time-space continuum issue.  Maybe aliens.)

This started out as a casual, fun way to share my layout adventure.  And it's still just that: casual and fun.  Although it's not a tutorial, please feel free to ask questions or request more detail.  My feedback is not guaranteed to make you a better modeler, but then again, your question may help us BOTH become better modelers, so ask away!

To those already familiar with my blog, welcome back. 

To the new folks, welcome aboard.

I look forward to catching you up on my layout, stay tuned!

Where I hide from my ~er~, I mean, where my wife can usually find me.