Sunday, November 17, 2013

In no particular order...

In spite of the lack of blog updates, my layout is progressing.  The guys came over for a work session (or two or three) and completed almost all the benchwork (thanks guys).  All that's left is the section in front of the circuit box which still requires a decision:  Pull out (wheels)?  Drop down (hinge)?  Lift out (muscle)?

Track is being staged, a mock view block put up, even a little practice with cloud painting...

So, without further adieu, and in no particular order, some progress pix:

...Finishing up the back wall benchwork (between Bennington & Rutland)...

Upper Management "supervising".  Yeahhhh, supervising.
Plywood queued up, waiting for it's next life cycle as benchwork sub roadbed.
An unusual sight: union worker supervising management...
Back wall done.
View block between Bennington & Manchester mock up.
Possible location for SRMW newest kit; a Bennington prototype!
The Mountain has finally found its home, losing two feet of altitude in the process.
View towards what may be Rutland.
Fun with clouds.  Amazing what can be done with just a template and a can or two of spray paint.
Another long-shot view towards Rutland, pending bench work in front of circuit box on left.
Mock up track in Bennington looking south.
Southern section of Bennington yard, radii calculations underway.
Northward view of Bennington yard.
Construction chaos still reigns under the bench...
...and more chaos...
Possible location of Railroad Kits' Impervious Mill.
Roughing out HO radius, re-purposing O gage construction tool.
Harley the union worker and Middle Management Max, taking a rare break together.
This post shows the progress pre- Fine Scale Model Railroader EXPO 2013.  Now I'm all charged up with fresh ideas (and not just a few new kits), ready to dive back into completing the benchwork and finalizing the Bennington Yard trackage.  Stay tuned!